About Us

Andhra Pradesh Space Applications Centre (APSAC) is an autonomous scientific organization under ITE & C Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, registered under AP societies Registration Act, 2001 and is a nodal agency for remote sensing, GIS and GPS applications in Andhra Pradesh.

APSAC is organized in eight divisions such as  Agricultural & Soil, Disaster Management, coastal & Forest studies, Geomatics & e – Governance, Urban & Ecology, Geosciences & Land Use , Water Resource, Survey & Advanced Techniques, Capacity Building- Policy & Partnership , which provide scientific and technical support to government department in decision making. APSAC has a multi disciplinary team of  highly qualified scientists in addition to support from Technical and Administrative wings.

So far APSAC has completed about 120 Aerial, Satellite Remote sensing and GIS Application based projects for the corresponding departments. In addition to operational Projects, recently APSAC has initiated research and development studies in Geosciences and Water Resources division for understanding the issues with analytical approach and utilizing the inferences for long run.

Government of India has recently launched two initiatives namely National Spatial data Infrastructure (Department of Science and Technology) and National Geographic Information System (Ministry of Earth Science). In this connection government appointed APSAC as the nodal agency of Remote Sensing and GIS applications related requirement of departments of the state of AP. APSAC is providing RS and GIS based services for various applications for different departments of the Government like Irrigation, Panchayat Raj, Agriculture, Mines, Rural Development (Watershed) etc. For this reason APSAC would establish and coordinate activities of AP state Spatial Data Infrastructure (APSSDI) and AP Geographic Management Information System (APGMIS) to bring a new information regime supporting good governance, sustainable development and citizen empowerment offering RS and GIS decision support services for governance, private enterprises and citizens. It will link the services of different departments by establishing Spatial Data Management Hub (SDMH) in the selected departments.

APSAC is involved in reconstructing a workforce armed with latest geospatial knowledge to meet the ever increasing demand of geospatial industry in the state and to provide an intensive educational opportunity designed to equip students for either a career in the geographical information industry or for further research.


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