Value: Built Up-Industrial area-Ash / Cooling Pond / effluent and other waste Label: Built Up-Industrial area-Ash / Cooling Pond / effluent and other waste Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Built Up-Industrial area-Ash / Cooling Pond / effluent and other waste Label: Built Up-Industrial area-Ash / Cooling Pond / effluent and other waste Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Built Up-Industrial area-Ash / Cooling Pond / effluent and other waste Label: Built Up-Industrial area-Ash / Cooling Pond / effluent and other waste Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep loam to clay , gravelly red soils (Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs, Ustorthents, Haplustalfs) associated with rock lands, medium to high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Label: Deep loam to clay , gravelly red soils (Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs, Ustorthents, Haplustalfs) associated with rock lands, medium to high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep to medium , loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils(Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs, Haplustalfs, Haplusterts, Vertic Tropic Ustropepts), high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Label: Deep to medium , loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils(Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs, Haplustalfs, Haplusterts, Vertic Tropic Ustropepts), high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep to medium, loamy to clayey, gravelly red soils (Ustropepts, haplustalfs, Ustorthents) associated with rock lands, medium to high AWC with LGP of 180-210 days. Label: Deep to medium, loamy to clayey, gravelly red soils (Ustropepts, haplustalfs, Ustorthents) associated with rock lands, medium to high AWC with LGP of 180-210 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep to medium, loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Rhodustalfs, Haplustalfs, Ustropepts, Vertic, Haplusterts) associated with rock lands , medium to high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Label: Deep to medium, loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Rhodustalfs, Haplustalfs, Ustropepts, Vertic, Haplusterts) associated with rock lands , medium to high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, clayey and loamy, gravelly and nongravelly red and deltaic alluvium-derived soils (Ustropepts(vertic), Paleustalfs), medium to high AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Label: Deep, clayey and loamy, gravelly and nongravelly red and deltaic alluvium-derived soils (Ustropepts(vertic), Paleustalfs), medium to high AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, clayey, deltaic alluvium derived soils (Haplusterts, Vertic Ustropepts), high to very high AWC with LGP of 210-240 days Label: Deep, clayey, deltaic alluvium derived soils (Haplusterts, Vertic Ustropepts), high to very high AWC with LGP of 210-240 days Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, clayey, deltaic alluvium derived soils (Haplustetrts), high AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Label: Deep, clayey, deltaic alluvium derived soils (Haplustetrts), high AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, clayey, deltaic alluvium derived soils(Ustifluvents, Haplusterts, vertic Ustropepts), high to very high AWC with LGP of 180-210 days. Label: Deep, clayey, deltaic alluvium derived soils(Ustifluvents, Haplusterts, vertic Ustropepts), high to very high AWC with LGP of 180-210 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, clayey, gravelly red and coastal alluvial soils (Vertic Ustropepts, Haplustalfs), medium to high AWC with LGP of 180-210 days. Label: Deep, clayey, gravelly red and coastal alluvial soils (Vertic Ustropepts, Haplustalfs), medium to high AWC with LGP of 180-210 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, loam to clay , gravelly red soils (Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs, Ustrorthents, Haplustalfs) associated with rock lands, medium to high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Label: Deep, loam to clay , gravelly red soils (Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs, Ustrorthents, Haplustalfs) associated with rock lands, medium to high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, loamy to clayey, gravelly and nongravelly red red soils (Argiustolls, Ustropepts, Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs)medium AWC with LGP of 210-240 days Label: Deep, loamy to clayey, gravelly and nongravelly red red soils (Argiustolls, Ustropepts, Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs)medium AWC with LGP of 210-240 days Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, loamy to clayey, gravelly red, lateritic and coastal alluvial soils (Haplustalfs,(Vertic) Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs) low to medium AWC with LGP of 120-150 days. Label: Deep, loamy to clayey, gravelly red, lateritic and coastal alluvial soils (Haplustalfs,(Vertic) Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs) low to medium AWC with LGP of 120-150 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Deep, loamy, clayey and sandy, gravelly red, lateritic and coastal alluvial soils (Haplustalfs,(Vertic) Ustropepts, Ustipsamments), low to medium AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Label: Deep, loamy, clayey and sandy, gravelly red, lateritic and coastal alluvial soils (Haplustalfs,(Vertic) Ustropepts, Ustipsamments), low to medium AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Medium to deep , clayey and loamy gravelly red soils (Haplustalfs, Ustropepts, Ustorthents, Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs), medium to very high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Label: Medium to deep , clayey and loamy gravelly red soils (Haplustalfs, Ustropepts, Ustorthents, Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs), medium to very high AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Medium to deep , loamy to clayey, gravelly red and black soils (Haplusterts, Vertic Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs, Paleustalfs, Ustorthents) associated with rock lands , medium AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Label: Medium to deep , loamy to clayey, gravelly red and black soils (Haplusterts, Vertic Ustropepts, Rhodustalfs, Paleustalfs, Ustorthents) associated with rock lands , medium AWS with LGP of 150-180 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Medium to deep, dominantly gravelly red soils (Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs, Ustropepts, Haplustalfs), associated with hills and ridges medium AWC with LGP of 120-150 days. Label: Medium to deep, dominantly gravelly red soils (Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs, Ustropepts, Haplustalfs), associated with hills and ridges medium AWC with LGP of 120-150 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Medium to deep, loamy to clayey, gravelly and non gravelly red soils(Haplustalfs, paleustalfs,Ustropepts, hodustalfs) medium AWC with LGP of 180-210 days Label: Medium to deep, loamy to clayey, gravelly and non gravelly red soils(Haplustalfs, paleustalfs,Ustropepts, hodustalfs) medium AWC with LGP of 180-210 days Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Medium, loamy to clayey, gravelly and nongravelly red soils(Argiustolls,Ustropets(Vertic), Ustorthents, Haplustalfs, medium to low AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Label: Medium, loamy to clayey, gravelly and nongravelly red soils(Argiustolls,Ustropets(Vertic), Ustorthents, Haplustalfs, medium to low AWC with LGP of 150-180 days Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Medium, loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Haplagids, Paleargids, Haplocambids ,Pleaustalfs, Rhodustalfs, Haplustalfs, Torriorthents, Ustertic Haplocambids, Aridic Haplusterts) associated with rock lands , low to medium AWC with LGP o Label: Medium, loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Haplagids, Paleargids, Haplocambids ,Pleaustalfs, Rhodustalfs, Haplustalfs, Torriorthents, Ustertic Haplocambids, Aridic Haplusterts) associated with rock lands , low to medium AWC with LGP o Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Medium, lomay to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Paleustalfs, Ustorthents, Vertic, Ustropepts, Haplusterts) associated with rock lands, low to medium AWS with LGP of 90-120 days. Label: Medium, lomay to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Paleustalfs, Ustorthents, Vertic, Ustropepts, Haplusterts) associated with rock lands, low to medium AWS with LGP of 90-120 days. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Shallow deep, loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Paleustalfs, Haplustalfs, Vertic Ustropepts, Haplusterts, Ustorthents), medium to high AWS with length of growing period (LGP) of 120-150 days. Label: Shallow deep, loamy to clayey, mixed gravelly red and black soils (Paleustalfs, Haplustalfs, Vertic Ustropepts, Haplusterts, Ustorthents), medium to high AWS with length of growing period (LGP) of 120-150 days. Description: N/A Symbol: