| Alluvium / Silt dominant |
| Banded biotite- hornblende gneiss and migmatite |
| Banded migmatitic gneiss |
| Barakar Formation |
| Black Silty clay |
| Brown silt |
| Brown silty clay with sand |
| Brown silty clay with sand intercalations |
| Calc - silicate granulite/ amphibolite |
| Channel bar |
| Charnockite |
| Flood Plain |
| Gangapur Formation |
| Godavari R |
| Gollapalli / Chintalapudi Sandstone |
| Gollapalli Formation |
| Granitoid gneiss |
| Grey / White fine sand |
| Kamithi Formation |
| Kamthi Sandstone |
| Khondalite |
| Koleru Lake |
| Kota Formation |
| Laterite / Bauxite |
| Nephelene Syenite |
| Palaeo channel, Black clay with Coarse sand |
| Paleo- beach ridge Brown Sand |
| Porphroblastic granitiod gneiss |
| Porphryoblastic Granitiod Gneiss, garnetiferous QF gneiss, QF mobilizates and hybrid rock |
| Quartz - feldspar - garnet - silimanite gneiss garferous quartzo -felspathic granulite and quartzite |
| Quartz-feldspar-garnet-sillimanite-granite |
| Quartzite |
| Quartzite(+garnet,+silimanite) |
| Rajamundry Sandstone |
| Sillimanite Quartzite |
| Talchir Formation |
| Tirupathi Sandstone |
| Tirupati formation |
| Two pyroxene granulite/ amphibolite |
| <all other values> |